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Convert Web Page To PDF From Link Asynchronously - C#

PDF from URL (URL to PDF) sample in C# demonstrating ‘Convert Web Page To PDF From Link Asynchronously’

using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Newtonsoft.Json;

// Cloud API asynchronous "Web Page to PDF" job example.
// Allows to avoid timeout errors when processing heavy web pages.

namespace ByteScoutWebApiExample
	class Program
		// The authentication key (API Key).
		// Get your own by registering at
		const String API_KEY = "***********************************";
		// URL of web page to convert to PDF document.
		const string SourceUrl = "";
		// Destination PDF file name
		const string DestinationFile = @".\result.pdf";
		// (!) Make asynchronous job
		const bool Async = true;

		static void Main(string[] args)
			// Create standard .NET web client instance
			WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

			// Set API Key
			webClient.Headers.Add("x-api-key", API_KEY);

			// Prepare URL for `Web Page to PDF` API call
			string url = "";

			// Prepare requests params as JSON
			Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
			parameters.Add("name", Path.GetFileName(DestinationFile));
			parameters.Add("url", SourceUrl);
			parameters.Add("async", true);

			// Convert dictionary of params to JSON
			string jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters);

				// Execute POST request with JSON payload
				string response = webClient.UploadString(url, jsonPayload);

				// Parse JSON response
				JObject json = JObject.Parse(response);

				if (json["error"].ToObject<bool>() == false)
					// Asynchronous job ID
					string jobId = json["jobId"].ToString();
					// URL of generated PDF file that will available after the job completion
					string resultFileUrl = json["url"].ToString();

					// Check the job status in a loop. 
					// If you don't want to pause the main thread you can rework the code 
					// to use a separate thread for the status checking and completion.
						string status = CheckJobStatus(jobId); // Possible statuses: "working", "failed", "aborted", "success".

						// Display timestamp and status (for demo purposes)
						Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() + ": " + status);

						if (status == "success")
							// Download PDF file
							webClient.DownloadFile(resultFileUrl, DestinationFile);

							Console.WriteLine("Generated PDF file saved as \"{0}\" file.", DestinationFile);
						else if (status == "working")
							// Pause for a few seconds
					while (true);
			catch (WebException e)


			Console.WriteLine("Press any key...");

		static string CheckJobStatus(string jobId)
			using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
				// Set API Key
                webClient.Headers.Add("x-api-key", API_KEY);
				string url = "" + jobId;

				string response = webClient.DownloadString(url);
				JObject json = JObject.Parse(response);

				return Convert.ToString(json["status"]);
} Web API: the Web API with a set of tools for documents manipulation, data conversion, data extraction, splitting and merging of documents. Includes image recognition, built-in OCR, barcode generation and barcode decoders to decode bar codes from scans, pictures and pdf.

Get your API key here!

Download Source Code (.zip)

return to the previous page explore PDF from URL (URL to PDF) endpoint