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Template Iterating Array - C#

PDF from HTML Template sample in C# demonstrating ‘Template Iterating Array’

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Net;
using Newtonsoft.Json;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

namespace ByteScoutWebApiExample
    class Program
        // The authentication key (API Key).
        // Get your own by registering at
        const String API_KEY = "**************************************";

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Please follow below steps to create your own HTML Template and get "templateId". 
                1. Add new html template in
                2. Copy paste your html template code into this new template. Sample HTML templates can be found at ""
                3. Save this new template
                4. Copy it’s ID to clipboard
                5. Now set ID of the template into “templateId” parameter

            // Template HTML
            string template = File.ReadAllText(@".\..\..\..\..\TEMPLATES-SAMPLES/Array Iteration/template.html");

            // Data to fill the template
            string templateData = File.ReadAllText(@".\task_data.json");

            // Destination PDF file name
            string destinationFile = @".\result.pdf";

            // Create standard .NET web client instance
            WebClient webClient = new WebClient();

            // Set API Key
            webClient.Headers.Add("x-api-key", API_KEY);
            // Set JSON content type
            webClient.Headers.Add("Content-Type", "application/json");

                // Prepare request to `HTML To PDF` API endpoint
                Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();

                // Input HTML code to be converted. Required. 
                parameters.Add("html", template);

                // Name of resulting file
                parameters.Add("templateData", templateData);

                // If large input document, process in async mode by passing true
                parameters.Add("async", false);

                // Convert dictionary of params to JSON
                string jsonPayload = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(parameters);

                // Prepare URL for `HTML to PDF` API call
                string url = "";

                // Execute POST request with JSON payload
                string response = webClient.UploadString(url, jsonPayload);

                // Parse JSON response
                JObject json = JObject.Parse(response);

                if (json["error"].ToObject<bool>() == false)
                    // Get URL of generated PDF file
                    string resultFileUrl = json["url"].ToString();

                    webClient.Headers.Remove("Content-Type"); // remove the header required for only the previous request

                    // Download the PDF file
                    webClient.DownloadFile(resultFileUrl, destinationFile);

                    Console.WriteLine("Generated PDF document saved as \"{0}\" file.", destinationFile);
            catch (WebException e)


            Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");

  "inputArr": [
      "Name": "Task 1",
      "Description": "Task 1 Description",
      "Status": "Pending"
      "Name": "Task 2",
      "Description": "Task 2 Description",
      "Status": "Approved"
      "Name": "Task 3",
      "Description": "Task 3 Description",
      "Status": "Completed"
      "Name": "Task 4",
      "Description": "Task 4 Description",
      "Status": "Closed"
      "Name": "Task 5",
      "Description": "Task 5 Description",
      "Status": "Closed"
      "Name": "Task 6",
      "Description": "Task 6 Description",
      "Status": "Completed"
      "Name": "Task 7",
      "Description": "Task 7 Description",
      "Status": "Open"
      "Name": "Task 8",
      "Description": "Task 8 Description",
      "Status": "Completed"
      "Name": "Task 9",
      "Description": "Task 9 Description",
      "Status": "Pending"
      "Name": "Task 10",
      "Description": "Task 10 Description",
      "Status": "Open"
} Web API: the Web API with a set of tools for documents manipulation, data conversion, data extraction, splitting and merging of documents. Includes image recognition, built-in OCR, barcode generation and barcode decoders to decode bar codes from scans, pictures and pdf.

Get your API key here!

Download Source Code (.zip)

return to the previous page explore PDF from HTML Template endpoint