PDF to TIFF Rendering - Force black and white tiff image output
For Zapier, Integromat and others plugins insert custom profiles
into profiles
field. For API calls please set value as string in profiles
parameter as string.
To get black-and-white TIFF images we need to set appropriate TIFF compression type. Following profiles value allows changing advanced conversion options in the underlying converter.
"TextSmoothingMode": "HighQuality", // Valid values: "HighSpeed", "HighQuality"
"VectorSmoothingMode": "HighQuality", // Valid values: "HighSpeed", "HighQuality"
"ImageInterpolationMode": "HighQuality", // Valid values: "HighSpeed", "HighQuality"
"RenderTextObjects": true, // Valid values: true, false
"RenderVectorObjects": true, // Valid values: true, false
"RenderImageObjects": true, // Valid values: true, false
"RenderCurveVectorObjects": true, // Valid values: true, false
"JPEGQuality": 85, // from 0 (lowest) to 100 (highest)
"TIFFCompression": "LZW", // Valid values: "None", "LZW", "CCITT3", "CCITT4", "RLE"
"RotateFlipType": "RotateNoneFlipNone", // RotateFlipType enum values from here: [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.drawing.rotatefliptype?view=netframework-2.0](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.drawing.rotatefliptype?view=netframework-2.0)
"ImageBitsPerPixel": "BPP24", // Valid values: "BPP1", "BPP8", "BPP24", "BPP32"
"OneBitConversionAlgorithm": "OtsuThreshold", // Valid values: "OtsuThreshold", "BayerOrderedDithering"
"FontHintingMode": "Default", // Valid values: "Default", "Stronger"
"NightMode": false // Valid values: true, false
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